Sunday, August 5, 2012

Beach Road Trip / Playa ! viaje relampago

I wasn't planning on going to the beach in Mexico this time because I plan to go a lot in New York but a last minute invitation came by my best friend's brother Irving to go for a 3 day trip to Puerto Escondido with his cousin. The plan was to visit many local beaches I didn't know, inlcuding the museum of the turtle... but in the end, we only stayed in Zipolite since it was one of those magical places one does not leave.

If you ever stay in the alquimist, which is where we stayed, I only recommend Cabins #1 and 7 since they have beachfront view. I stayed in # 5 and it wasn't that special, though my friends stayed in #1 and it was a great difference ! Also, the ocean is pretty rough and we couldn't swim in it. If you want to swim in the ocean, the best bet is going to Huatulco.

Llego una invitacion de ultimo minuto para ir a la playa con Irving el hermano de mi mejor amiga a Pto Escondido por 3 dias y lo tome, aunque no pensaba ir a la playa porque voy a ir mucho en cuanto regrese a NY. El plan era visitar muchas playas que no conocia, incluyendo el museo de la tortuga... pero al final, solo nos quedamos en Zipolite, uno de esos lugares magicos de los que es dificil salirse.

Si alguna vez se hospedan en El Alquimista, que es donde nos quedamos nosotros, solo les recomiendo las cabanias # 1 y 7 porque tienen la vista al mar. Yo me quede en la #5 y no fue tan especial pero mis amigos se quedaron en la #1 y se noto la diferencia ! Tambien, el mar es peligroso, las olas muy fuertes y no pudimos nadar en el. Si quieren nadar en la playa, es mejor ir a Huatulco.

                         On the Oaxaca roads, heading to the beach / Camino a la Playa

                      Stop in Losicha a coffee town / Parada en Losicha, la region del cafe
                                             traditional breakfast of "memelitas"
                                                    Welcome the "The Alquimist"

                                                    friends I went with Irving and Rafa

                                                     fresh fresh coconuts ! yummm

                                                                        w Rafa

                                                         a fish out of water :(

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