Thursday, June 28, 2012

VIP Thermal swim :)

I visited Villa Cristina, the most luxurious hotel in Guanajuato. This is where politicians and royalty stay when they visit .... It was cool, and I really loved their thermal indoor pool and jacuzzi :) / Visite el Hotel Villa Cristina, el mas lujoso de Gto donde se quedan los politicos y la realeza.. estuvo padre y me encanto sobre todo la alberca termica y el jacuzzi techado :)

                                                     rooftop jacuzzi 
                                                               rooftop view
                                                       Thermal pool and jacuzzi
                                                      feeling royale lol

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Breaking Rules / Rompe Reglas

I think my book's main character "Mexican Princess" will have elements of positive outcomes of rule breaking. I loved reading Nora Ephron's words this morning for inspiration... 

Yes my book hast to been ! / Mi libro tiene que ser divertido y como dice Katherine "si obedeces todas las reglas, te perderas la diversion" !

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Signs that I'm "too" Mexican / Seniales de ser "demasiado" Mexicana...

So I'm sipping some wine in my room, this is great wine, and I'm munching on some manchego cheese and pastel de tamal (the mexican version of lasagna but made with corn husk) and I'm celebrating LIFE tonight ! It's been a great evening at Teatro Juarez where I heard an actor perform some readings by Juan Rulfo and Miss Orosco. What's great about it is that the theme went with what I'm trying to do, publish a book and promote literacy at the same time.

And so while in my room, ecstatic, I look around me and realize I'm "too Mexican" as I see evidence infront of me that proves it... I laugh at myself... but I love it, because I like being Mexican....

SIGNS: A mexican hat, 3, THREE! bags of Chile powder for salads and fruit, Nivea Cream for the face (this cream has a connection with women who like mexican soap operas which is something you should never watch), corona soap for laundry..... MEXICAN WINE from Baja California (ONLY MEXICANS KNOW WE HAVE GREAT WINE AND NOT ONLY TEQUILA !!!) and........... yes, i laugh at myself for having canned Raja Chiles in my room !!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Reading tonight at Teatro Juarez
loving the red

Step into my Office ;) / Pasen a mi Oficinita ;)

            There it is ! so Peaceful and Serene ! / Tan tranquilo y sereno el paraiso !

 working hard, delving on the wisdom of my past journals/ arduo trabajo en la sabiduria de mis diarios pasados....
                                           OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!
 Whiskey the sweetest but the dumbest / este es Whiskey el mas dulce pero tonto
                       Chato feisty and leader / Este es Chato el lider maloso
                          PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE ! / DEJENME SOLA PORFA !!!!
                         IF i kiss u will u go away? / Se te beso me dejas en paz perrito?  ;)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Photos I took today / De hoy

                                               "buenos dias srita" ;)
                                              getting the morning tortillas
                                    "chicharrines" fritters are the best !
                      not good for your health though so watch those portions ! lol

                                                      tripe tacos yuuuuuuum!
 vintage type photo studio, i waited for the owner becuase i want a vintage photo of me but he never arrived............ welcome to mexico jaja !
                                        "teatro juarez" is always perfect looking
 these reminded me of Dresden Germany... so many statues like this.......
                                who's that pink guy in the back ?!!!! an omni?! :(
 i don't know what it is, but i wanted to eat it... then i remembered "green"....

                                    i loooved this mirror, so mexican !
                                            what's wrong with my face ! lol

                                        MEAT !!!!!!!!!!!!! forget Argentina lol
                                                all i need to be happy ;)
 i need to go to "la dama de las camelias" the sign says its where one drinks and dances.......

Photos of Guanajuato

I took these in April 2011, when I fell inlove with the city for the first time