Monday, June 4, 2012

Changes / Cambios

The flowers are gone, my favorite part of my stay here last year for 9 months, was looking at these violet bugambilias every day as the view from my rooms terrace. Apparently a car took over the tree and killed it. What I'd envision, I can't see here anymore... I've had to adapt to moving to a different room and seeing street homes instead, this makes makes me sad but it just shows you that in life, everything changes, that is nature...
Las bugambilias, mi vista favorita de la terraza ya no estan aqui. Yo me habia puesto en mente poder apreciar su color violeta dinamico todos los dias, esto me ponia contenta. Aparentemente un coche mato al arbol que las crecia...  de mientras me tuve que mudar a otro cuarto donde solo puedo ver las casas de enfrente, esto me entristeze pero habla sobre la naturaleza de la vida, todo cambia, es lo natural.....


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