Thursday, June 14, 2012

Leaving Oaxaca / Despedida de Oaxaca

i hate packing, i hate leaving... when i do this i ask myself over and over: am i a masochist? wouldn't it be nice to just stay in one place and be secure of your surroundings?

but then i think about the excitement of newness... that feeling where everything is new and wonderful and life is a clean slate.... i guess this is what keeps me going : the certainty that the new horizon will be just fine and that i will get more clarity as i go along, which is how i feel after each trip.

i had a great day yesterday, i visited the Yagul Ruins and then visited the village of Mezcal. I went to a Mezcaleria and saw the distilation process, I even had the local roasted worms that they bring as snacks along tastings...

it was a fun day, the friend who took me knew a lot about the ruins, he also surprised me with an "international" picnic, he brought drinks and snacks from all over the world: Italy, France, Chile, Spain...i didn't know Oaxaca has a local store where you can get products from all over the world ! as if I was in NY! it was a lot of fun though I was embarrased to arrive to my goodbye party really drunk.  Its horrible to realize the things we do when drunk !
                                                             Sacred tomb in Yagul
Inspired by this ancient bath tub (or jacuzzi? ) from the Zapotec Kingdom days, apparently only the priests got to come up here....

                                                              view from the hills of yagul
                                           Mezcal distilation process and home owned fabric
                                    those roasted worms hehe i admit they where delicious

Mexican Picnic time... a machete, wine glasses and a cooler for the drinks!
                         Mezcal is traditional snacks are worms or worm salt "sal de gusanito"
                                             will miss the Oaxacan Mountains snif snif :(

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