Sunday, July 8, 2012

San Miguel arrival / Llegada a San Miguel

I arrived to San Miguel on my birthday evening and Lynne, the woman who's house I'll be in didn't know until we where having pizza and ice cream around midnight, a moment in which a candle was placed on the table and a wish was blown...

Ironically she's going away as a birthday gift, and for me, comming to San Miguel was my gift ! I couldn't of had better company. She's a fascinating woman who travelled the world and did interesting things and just listening to her kept me up all night.

It's been a peacefull weekend of "settling in". I'm so happy to be here ! and I'm only 15 minutes walking distance from the city center !

Llegue a San Miguel la noche de mi cumple y Lynne, la duenia de la casa donde me estoy quedando no sabia hasta que estabamos comiendo pizza y helado a la media noche, entonces, aniadimos una velita para el deseo.

La ironia es que Lynne se va a la playa como su "regalo cumpleaniero" y para mi estar aqui en San Miguel es mi regalo ! Ella es muy interesante, ha viajado el mundo y solo escucharla me mantuvo despierta toda la noche.

Ha sido un fin muy tranquilo ya que apenas me estoy acomodando en casa. Estoy muy feliz de estar aqui ! Solo estoy a 15 minutos caminando del centro !

this is me when i was little and being here is like going back because it's been about 23 years since I don't celebrate a bday here ! / estar aqui es como regresar 23 anios porque desde entonces no celebro un cumple aqui !

Lynnes house is filled with cool art, if you like this painting go to: . Go to Gallery section for Bill Ransom's paintings, he's Lynne's ex husband, an artist. / Para ver mas sobre las pinturas vaya a Galeria de Son pinturas del ex esposo de Lynne, Bill Ranson.

a book selection to keep me happy / una seleccion de libros para mantenerme contenta.                                

some mexican wine and calamari n i'm ready to be here ! / vinito y calamares y ya estoy presente!

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