Sunday, August 12, 2012

Pitaya "Exotic" Fruit

And so I enjoyed an "exotic fruit" today here in Oaxaca, that I had never tried before called Pitaya. I was taken over by its beauty and color, it almost looked like a flower.  I was so taken by it that I took pictures and researched its origin on wikipedia. Apparently this fruit comes from Asia and was brought over to Mexico by the Europeans...

I hope you get to try a sweet Pitaya one day... and enjoy its beauty :)

Hoy disfrute de una "fruta exotica" aqui en Oaxaca, que nunca habia probado antes. Se llama Pitaya. Me llamo la atencion su belleza y color, casi parece una flor. Me gusto tanto que le tome fotos e investigue su origen en wikipedia. Aparentemente esta fruta viene de Asia y la trajeron los Europeos a Mexico...

Espero que lleguen a probar una dulce Pitaya algun dia... y que disfruten de su belleza :)

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