Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer Lessons / Lecciones de Verano...

I'm about to leave Oaxaca and end my three month summer vacation. I'm partly excited because I can't wait to be back home in NY ! but I'm also sad because I'll know I'll miss many things that are here, the "organic" part of life. But more than anything I'M VERY GREATFULL. I know this is a time period I'll remember as very nurturing, fun and adventurous and I know I'm lucky to have lived it.

I took the very initial steps of writing a book on a Mexican character here, which was undoubtley the right choice of a country to do it in ! lol  I personally grew in many ways during the process.

Here as some key moments of my trip and lessons I learned:

There is a lot of poverty in Mexico. It's sad to see little kids working hard selling candy or whatever they can so they can eat.... with so much poverty around, people still manage to enjoy life greatly. I hope to bring back this message to the "developed" NYC or anywhere I go and continue to Enjoy Life! no matter what !
I love great company but I also think its important to enjoy time alone. This summer I had lots of great moments of my own which I'll never forget. It's so good to feel good ! Even when alone ! ;)

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