Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Guelaguetza Time part 3 !

These are my final shots for Guelaguetza Oaxaca 2012. I'll need an entire month of vacation to recover from this celebration ! ;) 

Estas son las ultimas tomas que hize para la Guelaguetza Oaxaca 2012. Necesitare como un mes de vacaciones para recuperarme de tanta celebracion ! ;)

Oaxaca's distinguished "Tlayuda" - our huge tortilla meal / La distinguida "Tlayuda' de Oaxaca- nuestro platillo de tortilla inmensa
                     @ Tlayuda Festival in San Antonino where they make them...


trying on some outfits / probando los trajes regionales
         a friends house, i love her view ! / casa de la amiga, que linda vista !

                          Photo exhibit of the past / Exhibicion fotografica del pasado.....

Oaxaca's current Governor Mr Gabino

                                             "Istmo" dance where my shirt comes from

 "The pineaple dance" my favorite outfits / "Flor de Pinia" mis trajes favoritos

yet aaaaanother party... welcome to Oaxaca !~ ;)