Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Guelaguetza Time in Oaxaca !

It's Guelaguetza time in Oaxaca. The biggest culural celebration the state has in the entire year and one of the most celebrated in all of Mexico!

I'm so happy to be back for this because I consider Oaxacan Textiles to be extremely beautiful and colorful and the food is the best in the country. This is the best time to sample all !

Here are photos of the first Guelaguetza which took place on Monday. This one is free and open to the public but there will be another one next Monday that is more commercial. Hope to see you in either of them ! ;)

Es hora de la Guelaguetza en Oaxaca. La celebracion cultural mas grande del estado y una de las mas celebradas en todo Mexico !

Estoy muy emocionada de estar aqui porque considero que los Textiles Oaxaquenios son extremadamente hermosos y la comida para mi es la mejor del pais. Este es el mejor momento para probar de las 7 regiones !

Comparto fotos de la primera Guelaguetza que ocurrio el Lunes. Esta fue gratis y abierta al publico y habra otra el proximo Lunes que es mas comercial. Espero verlos en alguna de ellas ! ;)

              I bought this outfit... ready to go ! / compre mi traje... lista para la fiesta !

The famous "Pinias Locas" - Crazy Pinapples - which have a lot of Chilli powder of course....

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