Friday, July 27, 2012

Catrina and I ...

I got to see an awesome Catrina yesterday at the city center and she made my night ! She gave me a piece of paper with a poem when I donated money in her bin that told me only positive things will happen to me this month ! ;)

La Catrina is an icon character of Mexican culture and I really like her because she's elegant, funny and very contradictory.

Me toco ver a una catrina super cool anoche en el centro y alegro mi noche ! Me dio un papelito con un poema cuando puse dinero en su cajita, que decia que solo cosas increiblemente buenas y magicas me pasaran este mes ! ;)

La Catrina es un personaje de la cultura Mexicana que me encanta porque es elegante, graciosa y controversial

                                                   this is another version..... / otra version.....

                                                                       teen icon

in the Diego Rivera painting
scary... this could be me in the future... a skull too... :( / que miedo puedo ser yo en el futuro.. un eskeleto..... :(

1 comment:

  1. Amo la foto que llamaste "otra version" Felicidades Mexican Princess
