Monday, July 9, 2012

"Escondido Place" Heaven on Earth

I finally got around to visiting "Escondido Place" which my friend Eva recommended last time I was in San Miguel. "Escondido" means  hidden... and it really was ! I had to ask many many people to figure out how to get here, and it was worth every second.

Por fin vine a nadar al afamado "Escondido Place" que mi amiga Eva me recomendo la vez pasada que estuve en San Miguel. Y si que estaba Escondido el lugarsito !!! tuve que preguntarles a muchas personas como llegar aqui y valio mucho la pena :)

 All the pools are thermal and its the best relaxation ever ! I hope to be back to my new hot spot many times before I leave ! / Todas las albercas son termales y es la maxima relajacion ! Espero regresar a mi nuevo lugar preferido muchas veces antes de irme !

 a lot of people didn't know where to find it, but I kept going strong... / mucha gente no sabia donde estaba el "Escondido" pero yo me mantuve fuerte.... ;)

                                            Twas a lovely day... / Un dia bello....

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