Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Last pics of Gto / Ultimas fotos de Guanajuato

sad because Gto is ending soon, but excited for San Miguel which is where I'm heading next... this is the life I'm used to as a traveller, of sad goodbyes followed by positive horizons...

I just can't believe it went by so fast ! I guess this is how life is, when you're having a great time, it flies...

One more dream that became a reality: to be here. I'm soooo glad I did it, I will always remember Guanajuato as the small town with its special walkway alleys, filled with hidden treasures and "gold". People here are so warm and friendly and life is definitley a party... perhaps this is why I must go ! lol

triste porque mi visita en Gto se termina pronto, pero emocionada por San Miguel, mi destino proximo. Asi es en la vida de viajera, tristes despedidas seguidas por horizontes positivos...

no puedo creer que paso todo tan rapido ! Creo que asi es la vida, cuando te la pasas muy bien, se va volando..

un suenio mas que se hizo realidad: estar aqui.  Estoy muy contenta de haberlo hecho, siempre me acordare de Guanajuato como una ciudad pequenia con sus callejonsitos especiales, llena de tesoros escondidos y "oro" La gente aqui es tan calida y amistosa ! la vida aqui es definitivamente una fiesta... por eso quizas ya deba irme ! jajaja

                        I'm not smoking its a flower lol / no estaba fumando! es una flor haha
                               Welcome to the Castle Hotel / Bienvenidos al Hotel Castillo

went swimming there but the water was cold / fui a nadar pero el agua estaba congelada

 my new friend Carl from the USA and his MEAN dog lol. He gave me a tour of the Bed and Breakfast he's the Innkeeper for/ mi nuevo amigo Carl de USA con su perro FEROZ ! JAJA. Me dio un tour del hotel que cuida...
 This is no persian rug, its Mexican Tile ! ;) / No es una alfombra persiana es Azulejo Mexicano
 you may check more about this place: / pueden checar el hotel en :

                                        lovely wood work / buen trabajo de madera

                                                    The roof view / La vista del techo

                                they grow lavender here ! / tienen lavanda en su huerta !

                       local cheese sampling day / dia de exposicion de quesos yum !

                                        @ art exhibition opening / la apertura de una exhibicion
                                             nice chair for 4500 pesos, about 300 USD
            "callejoneada" you must do this if u visit / la tipica "callejoneada" que se tiene que ver
 the house where Diego Rivera was born / la casa donde nacio Diego Rivera

                                               @ local cafe

It was surreal to see donkeys in the middle of the street ! / Fue surreal ver burros en medio de la calle !
                              like going back in time.... / como regresar tiempos atras...

                                                  a bagel place ! lol / un lugar de bagels !

                                                             fresh fruit / fruta fesca

                           @ La Dama de las Camelias Salsa bar... so vintage Mexican in decor ! / El bar "Dama de las Camelias" muy mexico antiguo en decoracion !

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! I linked this post from I also see you snapped a picture of the "stairway to nowhere" from the roof! Glad to hear you had a great time at Escondido, that's probably my favorite in SMA, though the Grutas next door are nice too.
