Monday, June 18, 2012

Marathon Training / Entrenando para el Maraton

This is the place, this is it, where I will officially start to train for my NYC marathon # 4 which I will run in 2014.

I have not run a marathon since 2008 and since then, I've discovered that I don't have the discipline for exercise I should have, unless I'm in for something big like a marathons.

I was greatly encouraged to get back to running thanks to my friend Edward, he's probably close to 60 and has run 18 NYC marathons. This year, he's been my Thursday's party buddy in NY, since he leads a cigar club, we smoke cigars and have all sorts of drinks. I love his energy because he can outlast me in a second... I had a moment when I realized that if he's twice my age and has more energy than me... I should get back to marathons ;)

And so, little by litte I've started running in this very beautiful path full of mountains. The views are great, just what I needed to get encouraged.

                  I'm excited to finally get my running endorphins back ! I've missed them !                         

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