Monday, June 18, 2012

Trust / Confiar

The more I travel, the less I plan and the more I trust. I trust that I will find what I want and today, laying in my new bedroom, hearing the humming birds sing, looking through my bamboo curtain window to the Mexican rich flora that surrounds me while I lay comfortably in my new bed covered with a furry comforter I was given, I say: I'm glad I trusted !

Before comming here, I had no place to live. I tried placing messages out in Facebook via friends, looking on the internet for rentals, etc. Then, at  Lemuria Center  it was Lorel who told me about Gtoconnect, a local google group where people could post and connect with information of this city.

A day after I posted, I was visiting the city, walking around looking for rental adds with no luck. Then it started to rain, I instantly went into an internet cafe and saw a woman Carmen had replied to my post via email and was offering to share a room in her house. I liked that I'd have my own room and bathroom, could use the full equiped kitchen and that, as she mentioned, she lived alone, 10 minutes away walking distance from the city center. 

Since she happened be online at the moment, to great luck, and came to pick me up to the center of town and brought me to see her house. I loved it ! A very stylish and cozy house filled with colors and Mexican art. She was very flexible with the price asking me what I had to offer.

After being here one night, I realize I should chip in more money because she's being very generous with the food and has a cleaning person making me a "consome de pollo" /chicken soup, which is something I've been craving these last few days. Some chicken soup for the soul I guess, to inspire my writing and everything else !

This was me visiting Guanajuato last year and I'm glad I followed my instinct to come back and be inspired  /

Getting a fortune cookie like this prior to your trip with fortunate messages, as it happened to me before my trip, can also help ;)

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