Friday, June 22, 2012

Party time ! / Fiesta fiesta !

And so I'm getting ready to go to a house party tonight. I met a local friend named Zyria via fb through my french friend Adrien who visited Guanajuato last year. She invited me via facebook and her boyfriend invited me to the same party via couchsurfing since I also put a post there this week "looking to make local friends, contact me if you want to hang out"!

They must be a very cool and open minded couple who like to befriend new people, since apparently only until yesterday had they noticed they had each invited the same person to her party ! Anyhow, its a small world and I'm looking forward to hanging with some locals. The party is supposed to be at an area called Marfil and there are a lot of bars we could go to after the party...

And well, in preparation for that party... and my birthday which is comming up soon in a couple of weeks, and life's party, I went shopping today and totally sinned, because I bought a lot ! And I've promised myself not to, since I have a lot of stuff already and am working on clearing ...

However, I couldn't help buying leather shoes in Guanajuato. Gto is known for its leather and I needed a pair that was comfortable.. and went for two ! I also got me a birthday dress, a cool new top that I liked and those stretch type leggings that everyone is wearing, I though I'd give them a try and they where flattering, I guess I can't help enjoying the newness of clothes.

Have a happy Friday !  I hope to have loads of fun. Writing makes me think a lot and its a work of a lot of depth... so it'll be nice to take a break and many many cervezas !  lol

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