Monday, June 4, 2012

Since last time I was here.../ Desde la ultima visita...

Everything changes, and I? Did I get better or worse? Did I accomplish my goals since I was here last year? Did I gain weight or did I loose? Did I become richer? Did I meet the man of my dreams? This is the photo of me on the terrace right before I departed last...

It was an interesting year, in the analysis of it all, I don't think I'm "worse or better", simply richer in experiences that make me feel much more mature and prepared than I was back then.

Since I left, I traveled through Europe for 3 months, then I went back to the South of France for a wedding, I lived in NY in a place that wasn't my place in Manhattan for a few months, I lived in Queens, I changed positions at work, I got sick, I recovered, I gained weight, I lost some, I saved some money and I spent it, I went out with interesting guys but I didn't fall inlove, or perhaps I did, but that's a long story...

It may sound funny! but I think the best things I did this year was to remodel my small studio apartment in Manhattan, I bought the best bed in the world Queen size and the mattress is the softest and most comfortable mattress I've ever slept in. Thus, I enjoyed, like never before, sleeping and resting, perhaps this is why I feel so peaceful and tranquil as well ! 

This year I started limiting my outings to once or twice a week and suddenly my life started being more about me than "the world". This places me in a position of relaxation that I'm looking to enrich here in Mexico and I hope to achieve this along solitary walks in the city, while drinking a coffee in the mornings, when writing at gardens.....

Todo cambia, pero yo? Me puse mejor o peor?  Se cumpieron mis metas desde que estuve aqui hace una anio? Engorde o adelgaze? Me hize mas rica? Conoci al hombre de mis suenios? Esta es la foto que me tome en la terraza antes de irme...

Fue un anio interesante, en el analisis del asunto, no creo que estoy "mejor ni peor" simplemente mas rica en experiencias que me hacen sentir mucho mas madura y preparada que como estaba en aquel entonces.

Desde que me fui, viaje por Europa por 3 meses, luego regrese al Sur de Francia para una boda, vivi en Nueva York en una parte que no fuera mi depa en Manhattan por unos meses, vivi en Queens, cambie de posicion en mi trabajo, me enferme, me recupere, engorde y adelgaze, ahorre dinero y luego lo perdi, sali con chicos interesantes pero no me enamore, o quizas si, pero esa es una larga historia....

Sonara chistoso! pero creo que lo mejor que hize este anio fue remodelar mi pequenio estudio en Manhattan, me compre la mejor cama del mundo tamanio Reina con el colchon mas suave y comodo en el que haya dormido jamas y disfrute como nunca, el dormir y descansar, quizas por eso me siento mas tranquila que nunca tambien !

Este anio comenze a  limitar mis salidas a una o dos veces por semana, de pronto mi vida se empezo a tratar mas sobre mi y mis deseos, que los deseos "del mundo" y esto me puso en un estado de tranquilidad que sigo buscando enriquecer. Vine buscando mas de este silencio a Mexico y espero alcanzarlo en mis caminatas solitarias al centro, al tomarme un cafe en las manianas, al escribir junto a los jardines.....

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