Friday, June 22, 2012

My own boss / Mi propia jefa

I keep reading in my journal entries of the importance of freedom  and being my own boss. Its' been quite a struggle to get here, I've been poor as a mouse and there have been many times of uncertainty... but now that I look back, or now that I'm living yet another long vacation, I'd have it no other way !

I guess we all have a different soul and mine was definitely to be a free spirit. The last job I've had that I'm extremely grateful for is Interpreting, because every time I go back to NY there is work waiting for me....

However, I've been thinking, I wish I didn't have to wait until I go to NY to work, I wish I could work from anyplace I go to in the world, I love travelling and I really feel at "home" doing this... so I'm starting to think of ways and hope that my calling is writing ! :D

  hahaha when I saw this post cards I laughed, yets, Its been so "meeee"!!! most of my life :)
             I envision myself working from places like this (I think its Thailand above)...... I can't wait to do it ! ;)

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